2009년 2월 17일 화요일

CIP firewall - 24

24 season 7 에서 CIP firewall 이란 단어가 수시로 튀어 나올때, CIP 가 뭐의 약자일지는 전혀 생각하면서 듣지 않았다.

그러다가 오늘 개인 관심사 메일링 리스트로 온 call for paper 에 보니 눈에 확 띄이는 단어, CIP

[Ifip-tc11] CFP - Third Special Issue on Security and Management -Journal of Network and Systems Management

JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Third Special Issue on Security and Management Guest-edited by Carlos Becker Westphall and Peter Mueller Manuscript due September 30, 2009

Political and military events, coupled with the accelerating frequency of cyber attacks on network/IT systems and technical revelations of management protocol insecurities, underscore the substantial risks associated with network, systems and applications management. Through management systems, rogue elements can perpetrate targeted as well as system-wide fraud, theft of services, and disruption of capabilities and management data. Worse yet, due to the extended, pervasive reach of management systems, rogues can get a stranglehold on the IT and networking resources of an enterprise, entire industry sectors, even national critical infrastructures or governments.

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- Security and management in wireless, multicast, multi-media and/or converged environments
- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP); continuity issues for security and management in CIP
- Threats, vulnerabilities and requirements for security management and management system security
- Policies and SLAs for managed security and security for management systems
- Security Policy Management
- Attack management systems and management systems as attack platforms
- Scalability, efficiency and reliability of secure management and security management solutions
- End-to-end secure management and security management across distributed domains
- High assurance and trustworthy management
- The Common Criteria in standardizing security characteristics of management systems
- Managed security service provisioning and managed security service providers
- Security management best practices
- Testing and Evaluating security management and management system security solutions
- Open Source solutions for security management and management system security
- Detection, analysis and elimination of exposures and attacks in management systems
- Legal, insurance and Board Room liabilities, linked liabilities and product liabilities
- Laws and policies on management systems, operations, administration and maintenance
- Integration of security and management with business goals/strategies
- Case studies and experiences of secure management and security management systems

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검증을 위해 24 공식 wiki 에서 확인했다. 아하. 주요기반시설 보호용 방화벽 이군.

The Critical Infrastructure Protection firewall (abbreviated CIP firewall) was a system of hardware and software that protected the United States' major infrastructure systems from outside tampering (cf. this Wikipedia link for more info about this real world government program). Telecommunications, power and water services, and air traffic control were among the systems that the firewall was built to shield. It was developed by a team of engineers at Homeland Security and designed primarily by Michael Latham.

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