2016년 11월 8일 화요일

Android Malware Dataset - AndroTracker

AndroTracker: Creator Information based Android Malware Classification System 

1. Introduction

AndroTracker is a system which detects Android malware by incorporating creator’s information as a feature and classifies the malware into similar groups. 
It enables fast detection of malware by using creator information such as serial number of certificate. Additionally, it analyzes malicious behaviors and permissions to increase detection accuracy. 
AndroTracker also can classify malware based on similarity scoring.

2. Publication
Hyunjae Kang, Jae-wook Jang, Aziz Mohaisen, and Huy Kang Kim, “Detecting and Classifying Android Malware Using Static Analysis along with Creator Information,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, Article ID 479174, 9 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/479174

3. Dataset Release

For academic purposes, we are happy to release our dataset. However, to avoid indiscriminate distribution of mobile malware, please send us a request sent by your official email account.
Contact: Huy Kang Kim (cenda at korea.ac.kr)

4. Acknowledgement

AndroTracker is developed by the Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab in the Graduate School of Information Security of the Korea University, Seoul, Korea. Please contact “Huy Kang Kim” (cenda at korea.ac.kr) if you have any question.

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