PowerTech 2015 (http://powertech2015-eindhoven.tue.nl) 에
"A Behavior-based Intrusion Detection Technique for Smart Grid Infrastructure", YooJin Kwon, Huy Kang Kim, Yong Hun Lim, Jong In Lim 라는 논문이 accept 되었습니다.
전력 분야 IEC 61850 프로토콜 상에서 침입탐지를 하는 기법에 대한 연구입니다.
1저자는 공동지도를 하고 있는 옆 연구실 학생인데요. 파트타임 학생인데도 불구하고 참 열심히 해주셨습니다. 경의를 표합니다.
다음은 이 논문의 abstract 입니다.
A smart grid is a fully automated electricity network, which monitors and controls all its physical environments of electricity infrastructure being able to supply energy in an efficient and reliable way. As the importance of cyber-physical system (CPS) security is growing, various intrusion detection algorithms to protect SCADA system and generation sector have been suggested, whereas there were less consideration on distribution sector. Thus, this paper first highlights the significance of CPS security, especially the availability as the most important factor in smart grid environment. Then this paper classifies various modern intrusion detection system (IDS) techniques for securing smart grid network. In our approach, we propose a novel behavior-based IDS for IEC 61850 protocol using both statistical analysis of traditional network features and specification-based metrics. Finally, we present the attack scenarios and detection methods applicable for IEC 61850-based digital substation in Korean environment.
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